Gen Z/Gen Alpha Social Media Usage ObservationsI have curated these observations through conversations with my students and interactions with now-graduated students on my own social…4h ago4h ago
Just Let the Kids Sing (Or Cook, Or Write…Or Whatever They Want To Do)If I remember correctly, this story begins in the third row of a minivan. I was seated next to my cousin, and we were headed back from a…Jan 261Jan 261
Planning My High School ReunionAbout a year ago, several people from high school to whom I was still connected started bringing up the idea of a 10 year reunion. We…Jan 81Jan 81
Yearbook: A Newfound HomeWhen I was a student, my relationship with the yearbook was similar to many others: I flipped to the pages on which I was pictured, cringed…Jun 11, 2023Jun 11, 2023
The Four Day School WeekI don’t know many teachers or students who felt like the 2020–2021 school year, which was almost entirely virtual, went well overall. Yet…Oct 11, 2022Oct 11, 2022
My Path to William & MaryEvery year since I started teaching, I have watched my 12th graders agonize over college admissions. After months of obsessing over every…Sep 1, 2022Sep 1, 2022
Building Oral Presentation Skills Through Interview PracticeThe 12th grade English team at my school has historically prioritized oral presentations as one of the most important skills that we want…Jul 7, 2022Jul 7, 2022
My Graduation Speech to the Chantilly High School Class of 2022Every year, the senior class at my high school asks a faculty member to give a speech at graduation. This year, I was lucky enough to…Jun 2, 2022Jun 2, 2022
EmilyI wrote this story in 2016, back when I worked in the summertime at a preschool. The names of the people in this piece have been changed…Apr 6, 2022Apr 6, 2022